Generally speaking, Bourbon = sour mash and rye whiskey= sweet mash. Historically, I mean- I realize the distinction is all over the board today. Historic distilling texts reveal that the […]
The Hughes Brothers’ “Belle of Bedford”
One of the more exciting rye whiskey brands in 2023 is named after a pre-Prohibition rye whiskey from Bedford County, Pennsylvania. It is not a unique thing to start a […]
What happened to Maryland’s Hunter Rye?
Once one of the most popular brands of rye whiskey in the country, if not the world, Hunter Rye Whiskey, was a product of Maryland. The brand was first introduced […]
What is Rock and Rye?
What is Rock & Rye? Simply put, it is a rectified rye whiskey. Some Pennsylvanians may remember Rock & Rye from our childhoods as a medicinal treatment for a cold […]
The British Connection to America’s “Bottled in Bond” Whiskeys
What connects “bottled in bond”, a term we tend to associate with American whiskeys, to English investments? Let me explain… I am so VERY curious about the history of American […]
When Bottled in Bond Was Not Actually “Bottled in Bond”
The Bottled in Bond Act is something that most whiskey enthusiasts can recite the basics on fairly easily. A whiskey that’s bottled-in-bond is a 100 proof, four-year-old whiskey that’s been […]
From 1925 to Repeal: How the Medicinal Whiskey Makers Changed Everything
We’ve discussed the early 1920s, so let’s address what came next. We tend to think of Prohibition as the heyday of bootlegging and speakeasies…a vague, lawless period of time where […]
Another Historic Example of Pennsylvania’s Distilling Past: Fry & Mathias
J. Mathias Distillery Manor, Pa. Westmoreland County RD# 22 23rd District The small borough of Manor, Pennsylvania in Westmoreland County was once home to the incomparable Fry & Mathias […]
What is Rye Whiskey & Why Is It So Different Today?
Rye whiskey is very popular these days. We can clearly see the growth in market share. People talk about how unique it is, but then the occasional article surfaces that […]
Laura Fields, founder of the Dram Devotees, Interviewed by Drew Hannush of Whiskey Lore
Episode 67: When Pennsylvania Ruled American Whisky PRE-PROHIBITION // Laura Fields of the American Whiskey Convention helps us dig into Pennsylvania Pure Rye and the origins of American whiskey LISTEN […]